Cove Of The Beloved

"Cove Of The Beloved"

1x3 Sizes


Beach, Ocean
Hawaii, Maui
Brown, Gold, Orange, White, Yellow
Rock, Sand, Water
On Land
"Cove Of The Beloved"

Photographer: Shayla Middleton
Location: Kamaole Beach III, Kihei Maui Hawaii

A glorious sun sets upon a sweet little section of Kamaole Beach III amidst the lava rocks on the far south side of this popular South Maui beach.

It was a favorite section of the beach for Shayla and Mark's late fluffy chow dog whom used to consistently run to this area. No matter where we all entered the beach, she would run here, enter about 'knee' deep and playfully bite the waves created by the lava in this sweet little 'cove'.

©2018 Window to Paradise | 808.344.3141

All images are copyright protected to Window to Paradise,
Mark or Shayla Middleton.